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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This one was a slow start. And not a fun start either. But it ended better than it started.

At the beginning of me reading this book, all I could think about is how much I did not like Naomi. The way they described her as being what I call a basic white bitch and how she wants everything to smell like pumpkin because someone told her that she is the embodiment of autumn? No. I do not like characters like that or them being described as that.

Another thing I couldn't help but think in the beginning was that Naomi was the crazy one, not Nick. She was the one that played into the relationship being horrible when in reality, Nick had just given up on loving her because it was obvious Naomi didn't love him anymore. Her cutting her bangs and doing all that crazy girl stuff... like Damn Nick get out while you still can. She just kept self sabotaging, trying to get herself to care or feel something. That part was not enjoyable. I feel like Naomi was in this mental funk and the issues of communication between her and Nick made everything fall apart. COMMUNICATION IS KEY! Lack of communication bothers me, but it was done in this book in such a way that was tasteful and ended up working in favor of the story, rather than against it.

Once I got past my irritation with Naomi's initial character, this book became a lot better! It was fast paced and very easy to read. The lovers to enemies to lovers was done and written very well. It made the romance that much more enjoyable once it was revived. There was passion there that didn't feel fake or forced. It was real because once they realized their love for each other again, they also realized how much they missed each other (in more ways than one).

Everything was fine once they (Naomi mostly) started being the real versions of themselves around each other again. If you're gonna love someone that is the only way to do it.

(Counted as Bells: A Comfort Read for the Clear Your Shit Readathon)

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Version 1.5 - June 2021: 1st - 31st

All of these choices are subject to change :)


A book with a white or black cover


A book in a genre you don't normally read


A book featuring a magical object


A comfort read

(Most likely one of these two books)

Free Space

A book of your choosing

To be determined...

Ancient Grimoire

A book that's 400 pages or more

Bag of Teeth

A creepy book


A book in your favorite genre


A book with something elemental

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Most of the books I want to read this month correlate with a readathon I'm doing :)

I don't have to read all of these, but these books go with most of the prompts. There are one or two prompts whose books I didn't post because I'm unsure of what book to pick yet.

(post coming later for the readathon)

This Coven Won't Break - Isabel Sterling

May The Best Man Win - ZR Ellor

My Best Friend's Exorcism - Grady Hendrix

The Sound of Stars - Alechia Dow

Shipped - Angie Hockman

The Lost Apothecary - Sarah Penner

The End of Men - Christina Sweeney-Baird

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Philip K. Dick

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