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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

A Promised Land - Barack Obama

The House in the Cerulean Sea - TJ Klune

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Updated: Dec 31, 2021

“Yesterday she thought she still had time to bask in the glow of a thousand tomorrows”

Martina McGowan, I Am the Rage

“There are fragile hopes that die

On the fluttering wings of butterflies

But there is no life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness


Martina McGowan, I Am the Rage

“But your vile language

And contemptible moral superiority

Can no longer be tolerated

And, in case you did not know,

Tolerate is not a word of friendship.”

Martina McGowan, I Am the Rage

“The music has gotten away from the melodist

The dance has devolved into a tormented and ragged musical

Which we must reenact every few decade

Coming no closer to resolutions or solutions.”

Martina McGowan, I Am the Rage

“It is often during the worst of times that we see the best of humanity–awakening within the most ordinary of us that which is most sublime.”

Richard Paul Evans, The Letter

“It is in the darkest skies that stars are best seen.”

Richard Paul Evans, The Letter

"For love, in its truest form, is not the thing of starry-eyed or star-crossed lovers, it is far more organic, requiring nurturing and time to fully bloom, and, as such, seen best not in its callow youth but in its wrinkled maturity."

Richard Paul Evans, The Letter

“If music stops, and art ceases, and beauty fades, what have we then?”

Julie Berry, Lovely War

“It was the dimples. Empires have swiveled on less.”

Julie Berry, Lovely War

“young love is beautiful, but old love is real.”

Pierre Alex Jeanty, Her Vol. 2

“anger and love cannot grow in the same garden.”

Pierre Alex Jeanty, Her Vol. 2

“there are hints in the songs she loves,

they may make your ears bleed;

but, they will help you interpret the words

buried under her tongue

and the caged thoughts of her mind.”

Pierre Alex Jeanty, Her Vol. 2

“when you have to realize

is that she remembers when it ended,

it ended long before she left.

she held on until her hand grew numb,

until she grew too weak to hold on any longer.

she had to convince herself far too many times to fight for practically nothing.

the memories of how it started still have a special place in her mind, but you must know this:

her leaving took wrestling against every part of herself.

her leaving you is an act of love,

realizing that she has to love herself more than she cares for you.”

Pierre Alex Jeanty, Her Vol. 2

“you don't need closure to find happiness again,

you need to find reasons to start a new chapter,

and put down that old book.

here is one reason, you deserve to be happy.”

Pierre Alex Jeanty, Her Vol. 2

“I think of her as a best seller,

handwritten by God

on pages made from his magnificent robe.

her choices are every word.

her eyes are every page.

her heart is an untold story.

each chapter may have missing paragraphs,

but the further you get inside

the more she will become easily comprehended.

I advise that you take your time with her;

learning of her has to be a marathon

or you'll sprint past some important details.”

Pierre Alex Jeanty, Her Vol. 2

“you have every right to want the door of your relationship closed and secured.”

Pierre Alex Jeanty, Her Vol. 2

“Some things you hear with your ears. Others, you hear with your heart.”

Sarah J. Maas, Crown of Midnight

“For you, I'd say that chocolate cake is most definitely a need.”

Sarah J. Maas, Crown of Midnight

“Death was his friend and confidante- dare it be said, his soul mate.”

Sarah Hopkins, The Subjects

“the problem with being in love when you're 13 is that you have no clue how to love somebody without placing your entire self-worth on them.

if they love you,

you love you.

if they leave, your self-esteem goes with with them.”

Catarine Hancock, Shades of Lovers

“find someone who breathes fire into you.

who leaves embers simmering in your rib cage.

who traces sparks down your spine.

find someone who matches your flame with one just as powerful.”

Catarine Hancock, Shades of Lovers

“your match is out there somewhere.

it may just be waiting to be ignited.”

Catarine Hancock, Shades of Lovers

“Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what’s been said to me.”

“Just because you don’t experience prejudice in your everyday doesn’t stop it from existing for the rest of us.”

“You’re too precious to put into words. I think … it’s like one of Theodore’s buttons. If you asked him why he cared about them so, he would tell you it’s because they exist at all.”

“Your voice is a weapon. Never forget that.”

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

She Felt Like Feeling Nothing - r.h sin

Started: December 4th 2020

Finished: December 4th 2020

Rated: 4

Likes: relatable but not to the point where it makes me sad

Dislikes: none

Notes: good reminders, brought me back to my past but not in a bad way

In a Holidaze - Christina Lauren

Started: November 22nd 2020

Finished: December 9th 2020

Rated: 5

Likes: Characters, Chemistry, Back Stories, Time Jumping, Fate

Dislikes: None

Notes: None

All About Us - Tom Ellen

Started: December 10th 2020

Finished: December 10th 2020

Rated: 2

Likes: Main Characters Story Arc With Mother

Dislikes: Romance, Main Character, Writing

Notes: None

Timepiece - Richard Paul Evans

Started: December 11th 2020

Finished: December 11th 2020

Rated: 4

Likes: History of Characters, True Love, Raw Emotion

Dislikes: None

Notes: Cozy and Emotional Read Near Christmas

All I Want For Christmas - Wendy Loggia

Started: December 11th 2020

Finished: December 12th 2020

Rated: 4.5

Likes: Christmas Feeling, Romance, Ending, Characters

Dislikes: None

Notes: Advanced Copy Provided by Net Galley

Vērtigo: Of Love & Letting Go - Analog De Leon (Chris Purifoy)

Started: December 13th 2020

Finished: December 13th 2020

Rated: 5

Likes: Different Interpretation, Empowering

Dislikes: None

Notes: Mom read this one too

The Dogs I Have Kissed - Trista Mateer

Started: December 14th 2020

Finished: December 14th 2020

Rated: 2

Likes: The one poem in this book I actually enjoyed

Dislikes: Anger, Resentment, Disconnect

Notes: None

The Truth About Magic - Atticus

Started: December 15th 2020

Finished: December 15th 2020

Rated: 3

Likes: A Few Distinct Stanzas

Dislikes: Glorifying Scars

Notes: None

Depersonalise - MSJ

Started: December 17th 2020

Finished: December 17th 2020

Rated: 3.5

Likes: Flow, Artistic Talent both written and drawn

Dislikes: None

Notes: Copy provided by author

Calm Christmas and A Happy New Year - Beth Kempton

Started: December 19th 2020

Finished: December 27th 2020

Rated: 2

Likes: Brief Talk of Tradition

Dislikes: Mediocre anxiety advice, brings down the moon

Notes: Generally wasn't what I was looking for.

Advanced Copy Provided by Net Galley

A Dog Named Christmas - Greg Kincaid

Started: December 27th 2020

Finished: December 28th 2020

Rated: 3

Likes: Adopt Don't Shop, Relationship with Dog

Dislikes: 50s Husband Vibe

Notes: None

Heartstopper Vol. 1, 2 & 3 - Alice Oseman

Started: December 30th 2020

Finished: December 30th 2020

Rated: 5


Dislikes: NONE


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