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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

December Wrap-Up

This isn't exactly a wrap-up for reading, because I didn't read anything during December. December was a crazy month, but with the studying, coffee filled nights, and breaks that included laughter with friends, I ended my semester at college with A's and B's. And while that isn't as great as all A's and the 4.0 I received the entirety of my freshman year, it was good for all the things that I went through this semester.

I'm excited to take new steps and start a new journey in 2020; the start of a new decade. And I plan to leave a lot of things in the past but to remember them fondly every so often.

When it comes to reading, my goal is to read 50 books in 2020. I read 52 in 2019, and that was with the reading slump that I have been in since September. I'm excited for what is yet to come.

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