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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

June Wrap-Up

You Deserve Each Other - Sarah Hogle

Started: May 31st 2021

Finished: June 3rd 2021

Rated: 4

Likes: Fast Paced/Easy to Read, Romance Got Good, Passion was Real (not forced)

Dislikes: Naomi described as a basic white girl bitch, self sabotaging

Notes: Was hard to start but got better

The End of Men - Christina Sweeney-Baird

Started: June 3rd 2021

Finished: June 5th 2021

Rated: 4.5

Likes: Suspense, Multiple POVs, Relatable (Pandemic Wise), Heart-wrenching, Writing

Dislikes: Too many POVs, Got boring after vaccine was discovered

Notes: Could have used more intrigue after the vaccine was discovered

This Coven Won't Break - Isabel Sterling

Started: June 4th 2021

Finished: June 8th 2021

Rated: 3

Likes: Experiencing these characters again

Dislikes: Overall lacking, Plot, Change in Writing Style, Ending

Notes: None

The Bright Side Sanctuary for Animals - Becky Mandelbaum

Started: June 6th 2021

Finished: June 10th 2021

Rated: 2

Likes: Mention of dogs

Dislikes: No plot, Characters, Everything

Notes: This book had no plot. Nothing. Not worth it. Only reason it's not a 1 star is for dogs and because I thought I enjoyed the first 30% when I thought there was a plot.

May the Best Man Win - ZR Ellor

Started: June 9th 2021

Finished: June 11th 2021

Rated: 3

Likes: Romance kind of? Rivalry aspects

Dislikes: Petty High School Drama, Rich Kid Privilege

Notes: None

My Best Friend's Exorcism - Grady Hendrix

Started: June 11th 2021

Finished: June 12th 2021

Rated: 4

Likes: Intense Page Turner, Creepy

Dislikes: Dog Death, Ending didn't seem right to me

Notes: None

The Sound of Stars - Alechia Dow

Started: June 14th 2021

Finished: June 30th 2021

Rating: DNF

Likes: Aspects of Real Life like mentions of the Hate U Give & Twilight

Dislikes: Tech Talk, Said Rather than Showed

Notes: I have too many books to force myself to read books I find myself not enjoying

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