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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

May Wrap-Up

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

The Gravity of Us - Phil Stamper

Started: April 18th 2020

Finished: May 2nd 2020

Rated: 3

Likes: Space/Science Element, Authenticity, Reality TV Twist

Dislikes: Romance

Notes: Received an arc from Edelweiss+ for an honest review

The Grace Year - Kim Liggett

Started: May 5th 2020

Finished: May 6th 2020

Rated: 5

Likes: Dystopian Utopia, PLOT, Characters, Survival, Everything

Dislikes: None

Notes: Everything about this was brilliant

King and the Dragonflies - Kacen Callender

Started: May 5th 2020

Finished: May 14th 2020

Rated: 3.5

Likes: LGBTQ Rep in this age category, Discussion of/about Death, Friendship

Dislikes: Meandering plot, repetition

Notes: Received an arc from Edelweiss+ for an honest review

The Worst Best Man - Mia Sosa

Started: May 15th 2020

Finished: May 22nd 2020

Rated: 4.5

Likes: Character Flaws, Vulnerability, Interesting Plot, Not Cringe

Dislikes: Attitude of Characters Sometimes**

Notes: Read as an audiobook on Scribd

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