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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

September Wrap-Up

Updated: Oct 1, 2019

We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jackson

Started: September 6th 2019

Finished: September 12th 2019

Rated: 3

Likes: Creepy and Weird, Feelings of Irritation, Unique

Dislikes: Not really a plot

Notes: Bobbing for Apples (Fall Challenge 2019)

Gala 13

Stargazing - Jen Wang

Started: September 13th 2019

Finished: September 13th 2019

Rated: 5

Likes: Characters, Friendship, Adorableness, Harsh Topics discussed

Dislikes: None

Notes: I love this book with all my heart. Jen Wang is one of my favs.

Aphrodite Made Me Do It - Trista Mateer

Started: September 18th 2019

Finished: September 20th 2019

Rated: 4

Likes: Raw Authenticity, LGBTQ+ rep, Mythology


Notes: Multiple Trigger Warnings listed in beginning of book

Received an arc from NetGalley for an honest review.

Expected Release: October 1st 2019

Finding Beauty - Patrick Lindsay

Started: September 23rd 2019

Finished: September 30th 2019

Rated: 3

Likes: Heartwarming

Dislikes: Lacks Personal Experience and connection, snippets are short

Notes: Received an arc from Edelweiss+ for an honest review.

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