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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️

This book just wasn't for me.

Whether it was because I read it right after reading a really fantastic romance book, or because the main character was very unlikeable, this book didn't leave much of an impact on me.

I feel so bad too because I really wanted to like this. I even read one of my Goodreads friends reviews, and not only was her review so positive, it made me very optimistic and excited for the read! She even prepared me that I wasn't going to like the character for the first little chunk of the book...

For me it was more than the first little chunk; it ended up being the whole book.

At the beginning of the book, it was his complacency and, to be quite honest, utter a**hole-ness that was off putting to me. He just seemed like a complete dick. And that opinion didn't change much throughout reading this book. The only parts that this main character was redeemable was when he was discussing his mom. You can tell that he truly cares about her and regrets his past actions towards her; he wishes he could change the past and undo his mistakes with her. This book might have been redeemed if maybe he actually did get a do-over with his mom? But nope. It's a romance and everything was centered around the romance, which duh, makes sense but I was still disappointed by that. I wish the main characters relationship with his mom could've been more than just a side story arc.

Another thing that just wasn't the best for me was the writing. But, I don't fault the author for this at all! I just think that my taste is skewed at the moment because I just got done reading a romance writing style that I really really enjoy and know that I love. So going straight for another romance right after that? I should've known I would be disappointed. So while the writing in this book didn't sit well with me, I do think the writing is well done and crafted in a great way; It just wasn't for me.

Don't let my review stop you from reading this book, I think this was the definition of wrong book, wrong time.

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This book is so incredibly good. Christina Lauren never fails to write amazing works of art.

The romance in this was to die for. I love the trope of friends to lovers, especially when one of the characters believes that the love is unrequited but in reality, it goes both ways. That moment where they both have that realization, so good.

This book specifically had a really good back story plot. And not just for the main two characters we are following, but for all of the characters. The parents and friends who first started the cabin tradition have intricate and weaving back stories that connect to our main characters story lines a little bit. But it's more the history for them and how this whole tradition got started that I really liked. That your family doesn't necessarily have to be your blood family, it can be your friends. I really enjoyed that aspect of it. Following that, the side characters we written well. They weren't just there to be there and they weren't flat. They had dimension and obvious personalities that were easy to see throughout the book. They played parts in small ways, as side characters do, but it was done really well; where in other books, side characters fall flat and almost ruin the main plot.

The chemistry in the book was great too. The main two characters, once their budding romance really begins, it went up in flames (not in a bad way). And by this, I don't mean that it happened fast, it was definitely a semi-slow burn in my opinion, but more like you could just feel the chemistry between them. The change from friends into lovers, but also still friends. It was just so good.

The time jumping was done well too! (Clearly everything was done well, we get it). It was an aspect that I was unsure of going into a romance book, but it played its purpose and honestly kept me on edge the whole book (as it also did for the main character). Just Christina Lauren did a great job writing this book. What else can I say other than everything was amazing?

I am seriously considering reading this every year because it is such a nice Christmas romance that really put me in the holiday mood.

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

In case I haven't already said it, r.h sin is my favorite author of poetry.

I always connect with his work on such a deep and personal level, and though sometimes it makes me sad to remember or relive certain things through his words, they always end up making me feel just the right things in the end.

I enjoyed this collection specifically because it's about someone who doesn't realize her worth when giving her love to others who do not love and appreciate her the way they should.

She forgets her worth and is left feeling broken and unworthy, when really she is more worthy than they will ever be.

It's just a good reminder and gave me somethings to look back on.

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