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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️

Thank you to Tin House Books for the Advanced Copy received through NetGalley.

I really am unsure of how to even write a review for this. And that's not because I disliked it, but because I'm not sure if I liked it.

It was an interesting story, but the plot was so all over the place it seemed like there were mini-plots that seemingly existed even though there was no grand plot. It was also like the story was being told from the present, but also from the future? Like the narrators (Mira and The Captain) would be in the present living a moment, but then add a snippet of their life from the future? Very confusing. I wanted more from specific aspects of this book. And what it actually provided, are the things I could've actually cared less about. I didn't really enjoy Nefeli, even though I feel like I was meant to. I enjoyed Rami, but was indifferent about Dimitra, Fady and Leila. It was like they weren't who mattered, and Rami was only there to provide Mira something to do. Aris was actually the worst. I disliked him, both because of how he treated Mira and also because of how he was such a dick in general. When it comes to The Captain, I was interesting in his relationship with Katerina and what happened with her unspoken lover. However I also wanted SO MUCH MORE from the "relationship" that was brewing between him and Mira. It was there, yet it was non-existant and this frustrated me to no end.

My main issue with the book was that it had no plot, like I've previously mentioned. I'm realizing now, that the only reason I was remotely interested in it is because I was waiting for something to happen the whole time. Not just the romance I had hoped for, but anything, something interesting. I didn't get that until the second to last page, and only briefly. And it really only wrapped up this mini-plots that I only kind of cared about.

The ending, like the rest of the book, left something to be desired. It was this whole book about internal conflict and relationships yet, everything seemed to be wrapped up in a bow. But not a pretty bow, a messy bow that kind of looks good from one angle, but looks completely disastrous from another angle.

I was looking forward to this book because I thought it would be a lot more than it ended up being, and I'm simply disappointed.

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️

Received an arc from Edelweiss+ for an honest review

You know that feeling when you are really excited for something great but it doesn't end up being what you wanted? That's how I feel about this book. A young adult love story that features two teens of color who find a relationship because of basketball; it sounds like something I could really like, but I just didn't.

I think this was hard for me to like because something was off from the first page. Specifically what I mean, is that there was this cringe moment out of movie where the boy looks at the girl for the first time and- oh look they are in love. Not the first chapter, the first page. Everything from there felt weird and unrealistic to a point where it didn't have any redeeming elements to make it realistic to me.

As I mentioned, they practically fell in love from the first encounter and they didn't even speak to each other. The main male character, Rex, becomes so infatuated with Carli, the main female character, and ends up looking at pictures from her from Carli's brother Cole's Instagram? Like that is weird. Then he ends up going to the hospital where she is having her surgery?? Keep in mind they haven't spoken to each other for real yet, but he feels close enough to her that he can go try and be with her before her surgery; no boy, sorry that's not okay.

Then when they actually do meet, he is confident enough to come up to her like he's known her his whole life. Then they talk while watching Cole's basketball game, they get to know each other, whatever; what ruins this is that they disagree about something and one of the characters thinks to themselves, "Wow this must be our first fight" like no! You don't even know each other yet, nor are you in a relationship! Then thirty minutes later (in book time) they are kissing in front of everyone at the game? Then he gets pulled away and is in trouble with his coach and then Carli has the nerve to be like "why isn't he paying attention to me or looking at me?" like he just got in trouble, and not everything is about you!

Both of these characters made me angry. They were childish and not ready to be in a relationship together or separately! For upperclassman in high school, they really didn't act like it, and I feel like Tamani could do a better job portraying her high school characters.

Then there was drama between Carli's parents and past/present drama with Rex's father. It's like every cliché thing that can be added to a character or their storyline was present. I wanted something unique but everything felt so cookie-cutter, so much so that one of the cliché story arcs was repeated twice for two separate characters and only changed minor details.

I think this was just not the story for me. I'm not a fan of instalove, and I'm definitely not a fan of it on the first page of the story. Overall, there was just a lot I feel like could be improved from this story and I'm sad to say that I didn't enjoy it.

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The blurb on the front cover of this book could not be more accurate,

"A brave and marvelous book. A page-turner that will rip your heart out."

- Jon Krakauer

This book indeed ripped my heart out of my chest and crushed it to dust right before my eyes. I thought by knowing the expected ending before it began would have braced me for this ending but, along with Roman looking for his son, I still had hope that he would be found.

I enjoyed the adventure background of both the author and his son. Their treks were exotic and mysterious to me, seeming as I never have (and probably never will) explore the world in a way that they have. I commend both Roman Dial and Roman Cody Dial for their bravery, along with Peggy and Jazz as well.

My heart burns for Roman and Peggy especially, the stuff they endured throughout the process of searching for their son was a rollercoaster of emotions and tragic events. I applaud that they did not abandon their approach about searching for their son, from the beginning they knew he wasn't stupid when it came to adventuring especially in other countries. They exposed him to the world at a young age, he knew what he was doing.

I also appreciated the inclusion of quotes and accounts of Roman both of events in his adolescence and younger years and into his adult life. I enjoyed learning about him, both the kind of person he was and the things he enjoyed.

I cannot explain enough that this was indeed a beautiful story while also incredibly tragic and sad. For me, the most powerful moments in this book was when Roman explained that he was looking for any trace of his son, he was looking for a yellow Starburst wrapper along the green foliage. It was mentioned earlier in the book that Roman's favorite candy was a yellow starburst, and that his dad would carry them with him on one of their first expeditions together in Alaska. This hit me hard.

Thank you Roman Dial for sharing your story of your son with us. I respect your vulnerability but along with your strength and resilience. Thank you.

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