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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This was absolutely incredible. Phenomenal. Brilliant. All other adjectives that describe something as magnificent as this book.

This is Wilder Girls, The Hunger Games, and Lord of the Flies wrapped into a beautifully written present.

In Garner County, it is said that women possess a type of magic that is believed to be very powerful and dangerous. It has been proven that this magic comes to fruition during a girls sixteenth year. That is why every girl in their sixteenth year is banished out of the county to release their magic into the wild so they can return purified and ready for marriage. But the wild is also dangerous, and not all of the girls will make it back alive.

I loved every part of this book. I love that we learn about our main character, Tierney James, just days before she is off into the wild for her Grace Year. We learn that she is sparky and dreams of a life where she is more than a wife to the domineering men in the County. She wishes to work in the fields, where women who were not chosen by men go, after her Grace Year. But all of her dreams are shattered during the veiling ceremony where she is chosen by a man. Even though she is scared of the poachers in the wild that skin Grace Year girls alive for their potent essence of youth, she is determined to survive and make this freedom count. Even though I guessed who would veil Tierney, it was actually a pleasant surprise that I was right and how that aspect of the story played out throughout Tierney's Grace Year.

I loved the instant mean girl relationship between Tierney and Kiersten, and how Kiersten played the king pin role at the camp. I loved how Tierney formed a relationship with Gertie. Most of these side characters were differentiated quickly in some kind of way, which made them memorable for me, even in the smallest sense. I loved Tierney's faith in the future yet distrust in society and that she was still weary because she was unsure of magic. I loved that even though Tierney became the outcast, she did not give up on her beliefs, even though she was tempted. Yet, I loved how Tierney's view on society and magic changed throughout her Grace Year. She found out what was wrong with the values believed by the county and was determined to expose their secrets.

I loved the romance, even though it felt fast, it played a major role in the second half of the book. This is definitely an insta-love vibe for the reader despite not being that way within the story, if that makes sense. Despite that, I still enjoyed how passionate and real it felt. The pacing and quickness of this romance was almost necessary because of the lack of time for the characters (not in the book length) and because they were dancing in seemingly uncharted waters. They were unsure of the future but were sure of each other, and that ended up being heart-wrenching.

I enjoyed the different twists as the Grace Year went on. There were many things that I personally predicted, but that didn't make the book as a whole predictable or unenjoyable.

There is so much I could say about this book, but when a book is this good, sometimes you have to leave things unsaid so a future reader can enjoy it fresh.

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you to Edelweiss+ for providing me with this Advanced Reader's Copy of The Gravity of Us.

This was a decent book. There were things about it that I liked and there were things about it I disliked.

Overall, there was nothing about this story that Wowed me. I thought the central theme would be about the space mission that Cal's Dad has just been accepted on. However, this book is more centralized around the drama surrounding StarWatch and their reality TV show about the NASA astronauts and their families while living in Houston.

The concept sounded fascinating, and that is why I requested this advanced copy (let's not talk about how I am a few months late on giving my review...), but I was more interested in this space mission to Mars rather than Cal's FlashFame skyrocket to Journalist/Reporter fame. While, this would've made an interesting side plot to the space mission, this unfortunately was part of the main plot and the actual space mission was on the side. The parts we did get visiting the NASA center were really fascinating, and the FlashFame Cal did on the guy who liked dirt? Why was that so cool to me?! I did like the Reality TV aspect to this story, and if the stories main plot had been more space centralized I think this really could've been something amazing. When it comes to characters, I liked Leon and Kat and surprisingly Donna? Even though Donna and Kat had little to nothing to do with this actual story they were just kind of there to help move Cal and Leon through the plot, I did enjoy them.

What I didn't enjoy about this book was how selfish Cal was for a majority of the book in almost all aspects and the romance. I understand that we are getting to know Cal and his background at the beginning of the book, but he acts all selfish when his Dad is considering this job for the NASA Mars mission. He blames his Dad for uprooting his life (which I get is a big deal) and ruining his dreams. The dreams part is a little much for me... while I understand that you have a big following on FlashFame and a set up internship for Buzzfeed, this thing your Dad is doing, could change the future. I'm sorry but that is way more important. You can be as upset as you want about the transition but don't make the whole thing about you. Maybe, try to be happy for your dad. Also the romance. It felt so unnecessary. And of course this is just my opinion, there are many things that can be enjoyed from this romance, but from someone who felt the space centralized plot was lacking, the last thing I want is an angsty teen romance to take over the spotlight from that.

What I am trying to say is, is that I need more Y/A Space books in my life, and this didn't completely fulfill my want for that. If you are looking for an angsty young adult romance with some space elements, then this would be the perfect book for you!

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

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