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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Original Read Rating in April 2017

5 stars


Reread #1 Rating January 2020

3.5 stars


I think the movie tainted my opinion on the book. The first time I read it, I hadn't seen the newest movie, so I read it and then watched the movie and I was infatuated with Leonardo DiCaprio as Gatsby (but like who isn't tbh) and that made me like the book even more the first time around.

However, now I've seen the glorious movie with the infamous raising of the glass by Gatsby


And I can't help but think, why can't Leo just jump into the book and make it as good as the movie?? Because this time around it lacked for me and I think it's because I wanted it to be as spectacular and roaring-twenties-esk, as the movie made me feel. My mom asked me, "Well can't you just picture them while reading?" and like I did, but it's not the same. You can't just picture Leo as Gatsby, you must see him as Gatsby.

I sound dramatic but it's the truth. Maybe I will try this again in the future after watching the movie again.

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I could not give this book a rating other than the one it deserves, and it deserves a full five stars.

I was captivated by this book before I even read it and I was so mad at myself, come the end of December, when I hadn't read it. I thought I had missed my chance and would have to wait until next year. It seems so fitting, that I felt like I missed my chance and this book is about that exact thing; missed opportunities. But I thought well who cares, I want to read this book so I'm going to.

And let me tell you, THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD wHAt the heck! I honestly was expecting this to be a four star rating AT BEST. No past me, no. The brief "meeting" is what started it all and from there I knew it had to be meant, written in the stars. I'm a hopeless romantic, can you tell? I've also lacked decent love for... like 3 years? So reading about this tragic scenario where Laurie and Jack can't be together because of a million and one obstacles and distractions keeping them apart? UGH it pulled at my heart strings the whole way through, because *SPOILERS I really thought near the end that Laurie was going to get pregnant with Oscar's baby and that Jack was going to propose to Amanda and that would be the tragic ending, BUT NO, it all happened as it needed to and in the end, Rhona succeeded #JackandRhona. *

One thing that surprised me about this book, is that I really felt attached to the characters. Which, in my stereotypical adult romance, doesn't happen or it isn't to the extent that it was in this book. I felt like I wanted the best for Laurie and for Jack but also for Sarah, *Mini Spoiler and I was even invested in her romance with Luke.* Plus, I even enjoyed Oscar as a character, I felt like their romance for the most part was wholesome and real. And romances do have their strains, but I wasn't like "Let's get this Oscar guy out of here so Jack and Laurie can be together" no. I thought it was necessary, it was another obstacle that was meant to be enjoyed by the reader. Speaking of obstacles meant to be enjoyed by the reader, Sarah and Jack. I actually did enjoy them together, even though Jack was not the best fit for Sarah *Mini Spoiler because our girl deserves Aussie Luke *

I just ended up enjoying this a lot more than I originally thought I was going to and I'm so happy by that because I haven't enjoyed a book this much in a while. So much so, that it made me read 3/4 of the book practically in one sitting. I would recommend to anyone needing a romance that steeps in the tea for bit, makes you wait for it. And despite what I think people believe (because I in fact believed it) this incredible romance novel does NOT need to be read in December. I feel like I would have enjoyed this as much if I read it in July.

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This was definitely a book a wanted to read in December but never got to it due to business with college. However, I'm glad that I am still reading the books I wanted to read then, now because they are still just as good as they would've been then. They even might help with the post-holiday depression that might start to occur.

This is such a cute and wholesome story. The detail in it isn't too extravagant, but it doesn't need to be. This is very much plot based and is one of those books based on learning a lesson and that was the focal point of the story.

It felt almost like a Christmas classic. Almost like the end of a Hallmark movie where the family is laughing together while sitting by a warm fire on Christmas Eve/Day, after the "conflict" or lesson has been learned. It did feel warm and fuzzy but also almost made me cry in the middle of a coffee house. The main character finally learned the lesson he was supposed to learn just as one of the other characters was leaving, and he spent Christmas with his family thankful that he had learned the lesson before it was too late.

Overall, this was an adorable Christmas classic (I am officially classifying it as that now) and I will probably read it again near the Christmas holiday.

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