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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

The Christmas Box - Richard Paul Evans

One Day in December - Josie Silver

The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Diviners - Libba Bray

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Updated: Mar 7, 2021

“I told the moon you were a drop of water in the ocean of my life; avoiding the fact everything you did felt like an earthquake, leaving a never ending ripple on the surface beneath.”

MSJ, Depersonalise

“I love people but wow

do I also love

no people”

Atticus Poetry, The Truth About Magic

“in her heart

and soul

she set fire to all things

that held her back

and from the ashes

she stepped

into who she always was”

Atticus Poetry, The Truth About Magic

“We reveled in the sweet taste of each other’s names as if honey was a sound and we were thirsty for its song.”

Atticus Poetry, The Truth About Magic

“I can't explain the halls

that lead a mind from love to hate,

but I can see the miles in my shoes.”

Analog De Leon, Vertigo: Of Love & Letting Go

“I reach into the silence

with legs as

tall as steeples

I give in to the roots beneath me

and find shelter in my weakness.”

Analog De Leon, Vertigo: Of Love & Letting Go

“Never doubt that in one day

you can change the world.

Every paradigm that rocked Earth's orbit

first happened in one head

and in one moment.”

Analog De Leon, Vertigo: Of Love & Letting Go

“I never once saw a man or woman

who wasn't both temple and castle

We build walls to keep out darkness

and altars to invade the endless chasm”

Analog De Leon, Vertigo: Of Love & Letting Go

“She is the sea,

wild and free.

I know I could never

fully explore her expanse

and will most certainly

become lost in her waves forever,

yet with a torn sail and a smile,

I set sail anyhow”

Analog De Leon, Vertigo: Of Love & Letting Go

“For poetry, like life, is its own justification”

Richard Paul Evans, Timepiece

“Do we have dreams, or do dreams have us?”

Richard Paul Evans, Timepiece

“A man cannot live his life by the calculations of retribution. I did what I had to do and hope the consequences are kind.”

Richard Paul Evans, Timepiece

“one day you'll grow tired

of loving people

who don't love you back”

“you have to be brave sweetheart

courage looks good on you”

“she held madness like a flower” R.H. Sin, She Felt Like Feeling Nothing

“somehow deep down

i realized that in order to live again

i had to live without you”

“it's hard to forget someone

who used to make your soul smile

but it's even harder to remember

everything they used to be”

“you can miss people but you don’t have to want them back”

“these women are capable of walking away, and they will.”

“eventually the girl you took for granted will take her love and give it to herself and someday someone better than you will love her in all the ways you couldn’t.”

“all of yourself

all of everything

invested into something

that now feels like nothing.”

“the girl who deserves the sun is tired of being rained on.”

“my generation is filled with lovers who will never know the true meaning of love.”

“i needed to find myself but you were keeping me from me.”

"people change or maybe they simply revert back to everything they're supposed to be.”

“i hope your flowers bloom through the rain.”

"what you love should feel like paradise during the storm.”

"search for me where you left me and i will no longer be there.”

“Good-byes hurt the most when the other person’s already gone.”

Angie Thomas, The Hate U Give

“Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right.”

Angie Thomas, The Hate U Give

“Be roses that grow in the concrete.”

Angie Thomas,The Hate U Give

“A hairbrush is not a gun.”

Angie Thomas,The Hate U Give

“He fit so perfectly in the love story I'd imagined for myself that I mistook him for the love of my life.”

Emily Henry, Beach Read

“People were complicated. They weren't math problems; they were collections of feelings and decisions and dumb luck.”

Emily Henry, Beach Read

“You never get the paper umbrellas you were promised in this world.”

Emily Henry,Beach Read

“Heaven is a boy in a treehouse, with cold hands and a warm heart.”

Kim Liggett, The Grace Year

“But a flower is never just a flower.”

Kim Liggett, The Grace Year

“I didn't even know so much water could be inside a person- like he was hiding an entire ocean beneath his skin.”

Kacen Callender, King and the Dragonflies

“We are living in a world where we no longer bend; we break.”

“There's no you of today without everything in your past. There's no you of tomorrow without everything you're going through now, either.”


I needed it like I needed air.

But no one could hear me.

No one could listen.

No words. No sound.

No voice.

I couldn't even dream myself away.

Choices were made.

None of them mine.

At first I wondered if it was hell.

And then I knew it was.”

Mary E. Pearson,The Adoration of Jenna Fox

“I like to imagine that the world is one big machine. You know, machines never have any extra parts. They have the exact number and type of parts they need. So I figure if the entire world is a big machine, I have to be here for some reason. And that means you have to be here for some reason, too.”

“If you've ever wondered where your dreams come from when you go to sleep at night, just look around. This is where they are made. ”

“It wasn't that Henry was less of himself in English. He was less of himself out loud. His native language was thought.” Maggie Stiefvater, The Raven King

“Violence was a disease Gansey didn't think he could catch. But all around him, his friends were slowly infected.” Maggie Stiefvater, Blue Lily, Lily Blue

“You understand that no one is just a color, like a crayon.” Maria Padian, How to Build a Heart

“Perhaps it’s time to learn how to stand on our own, rather than lean on each other.” Josie Silver, One Day in December

“Sometimes you just meet the right person at the wrong time,” Josie Silver, One Day in December

“Denial, perhaps, is a necessary human mechanism to cope with the heartaches of life. ” Richard Paul Evans, The Christmas Box

“They say that time heals all wounds. But even as wounds heal they leave scars, token reminders of the pain.” Richard Paul Evans, The Christmas Box

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

This isn't exactly a wrap-up for reading, because I didn't read anything during December. December was a crazy month, but with the studying, coffee filled nights, and breaks that included laughter with friends, I ended my semester at college with A's and B's. And while that isn't as great as all A's and the 4.0 I received the entirety of my freshman year, it was good for all the things that I went through this semester.

I'm excited to take new steps and start a new journey in 2020; the start of a new decade. And I plan to leave a lot of things in the past but to remember them fondly every so often.

When it comes to reading, my goal is to read 50 books in 2020. I read 52 in 2019, and that was with the reading slump that I have been in since September. I'm excited for what is yet to come.

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