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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Received an arc from Edelweiss for an honest review.

Expected Release: November 19th 2019

This book wasn't what I was expecting. Granted, I hadn't read the synopsis since I requested the book on Edelweiss, but when I picked it up I forgot that it was a humorous adult contemporary and not some sappy romance book. I should also mention that I preferred the humor to the predicted romance.

This book is about Dan, "Danny" or Daniel Mayrock. He is married to his amazing, incredible wife Jill. Dan met his wife at a staff meeting at the school where they both worked. Dan no longer works at the school because he quit to open up a successful bookshop. Except that it's not successful. It does not bring in enough income to support him and his, now pregnant, wife. What makes this whole situation even worse? Jill thinks they are financially stable. Dan will go to whatever lengths it takes to save his family from falling apart. And while he wants to save the bookstore and his finances, he also wants to become someone because he isn't completely sure who he is, which makes his life even more difficult. He wants to be more than ordinary. He is done feeling like a failure. And he is done comparing himself to his wife's dead husband, Peter. Dan writes lists to help him achieve these goals in the most sincere and humorous way possible.

The fact that this book is written completely in lists makes me love it even more. I love love love lists. They help me achieve goals and they just keep all my unorganized shit, somewhat organized. I underestimated how well a story could be told through lists, but Dan was full-fleshed, sincere and unforgettable and I learned all this through his lists about his life. Dan was my favorite about this story (clearly because it's all about Dan and his struggles). Other than that, all of the other characters were lackluster and not very interesting. Most of the other characters, besides Bill, lacked for me, even Jill. I wanted more about them but the parts we did get weren't enough to keep me interested in them and made their parts of the story boring.

The plot of the book is quite serious but is written in a humorous way and I appreciate how Matthew Dicks wrote this. Dan's whole life is pretty much falling apart and yet he still counts how many days he's gone without A Little Debbies Snack Cake.

Overall, if you're looking for something light and funny, with a hint of seriousness, then I would definitely recommend this .

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Updated: Nov 9, 2019

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I am so glad that I found this book at my state's book festival! It had the exact suspenseful and horrific vibe that I was craving when I picked it up.

I met the author, Ricky Dragoni, at the book festival and he was great! He recommended this book to me because I was wanting to dip my foot in the horror genre again. This ended up being a great start for me in regards to wanting to do that! Thank you for the rec. Ricky!

This book is about the people of Storm Lake who were left behind after a military evacuation. Technology and most modern day functions have ceased to exist, leaving the people that were abandoned to fend for themselves, specifically Coach Mike Larson and one of his athletes, Levi. During the evacuation they were separated from their families and have miraculously found each other in the efforts to survive against these mysterious and deadly creatures called The Swift. Nobody knows what the Swift are or where they came from, but it is clear that they are out to attack and kill anyone who tries to fight them. Are they human? Are they aliens? Nobody seems to know, but everyone knows they have to do what it takes to survive in this apocalyptic war against them, in hopes of one day reuniting with their families again.

This truly was exactly what I was looking for. A story that would have me turning the page desperately wanting to know what was coming next. It was a well thought out plot with different twists and turns that I enjoyed a lot. My favorite part of the book was the twist ending, which I didn't expect at all but ended up loving! It made me rethink the entire book and it all made sense after that.

I would've loved for this book to have had even more detail in some parts. The gruesome and gory parts but also just more description of the setting in general. I think it would've captivated me more than it already did and added another layer to the plot.

Overall, this book was great and I would recommend to anyone looking to try out a horror book. It is a quick and easy read that will have you shocked by the end!

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Updated: Nov 3, 2019

The Swift - Ricky Dragoni

Rebecca - Daphné Du Maurier

Us Against You - Fredrik Backman

The Beautiful - Renée Ahdieh

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