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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

All Pets Allowed - Adele Griffin

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you to Algonquin Young Readers for the opportunity to be a part of the book tour for the release of All Pets Allowed!

This was such a great read! It had adorable animals and unique characters. A perfect read for someone looking for a read that includes animal adoption (dogs and cats!).

The characters in this book are drastically different. Becket is very loud and boisterous while her twin Nicholas is quiet and reserved. Both are turning 10 this October and want one thing... a dog! Or that is what Becket has tried to convince her brother. Instead they both end up wishing for two different pets; a dog and a cat! To their surprise, their parents both let them adopt the animal of their choice from their local shelter. But this doesn't go exactly how they both anticipated. Becket ends up with a shy and nervous dog while Nicholas ends up with a talented, outgoing and popular cat. Very different from who they are. Hopefully these animals will be able to fit into the family without causing too much trouble!

I really enjoyed this book! It was such a fun and quick read. I would definitely recommend to any children or middle grade readers!

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