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Aphrodite Made Me Do It - Trista Mateer

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Received an arc from NetGalley for an honest review.

Expected Release: October 1st 2019

**Trigger Warnings**

Body Image, Sexual Assault, Rape, Eating Disorders, Queer-phobia, Emotional Abuse, Physical Abuse, Gore, Blood, Death.

I love poetry. I discovered Trista Mateer by finding out about one of her other works, The Dogs I Have Kissed. I know little to nothing about what this about about but I know it's a poetry book and the title itself makes me want to read it. Then I found this Trista Mateer book on Net Galley and was lucky enough to be given a copy of it.

This is the poetry that I feel I don't read enough of; The raw and authentic. This is the kind of poetry that opens my eyes to the perspective of other people. How they live their lives and how others treat them. How they suffer and how they survive.

Trista Mateer did a beautiful job interweaving different poetic thoughts with mythological references and metaphors. It made it somewhat mythical and just out of reach while still touching the back of my mind with the hard hitting topics that are looked over too often in society.

The write about such experiences is real and it's important to me, and I hope to others, to know the thoughts of these people. The ones discriminated by family, the ones abused by others, the ones with the internal struggles, or even all of these mixed together. I'm trying not to glorify it, but I think it's important people know the authentic stories, the plasters created by people who have no idea what it means to deal with these hard hitting subjects. I just want to thank Trista Mateer for writing this and I am thankful that I was given the opportunity to read this. It truly was a beautiful and poetic story.

I am definitely going to pick up the other things Trista Mateer has written because of this book.

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