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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Cinderella is Dead - Kalynn Bayron

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

By all means, this was not a bad book. But it wasn't a great book either.

It had good aspects like the every changing plot, and the fact that it took a spin on a classic story and made it into something entirely different and some of the characters were enjoyable!

But there other aspects that I didn't enjoy as much, like the predictability of the story. While I enjoyed the twists and turns of the plot, once I was able to predict them, it became less and less enjoyable

Another random thing I didn't enjoy was the gore? It was written well but I didn't feel like the description of it was needed or was relevant to the story, but this is just a personal opinion and not one that, if different, would've made the story better or worse in my opinion

The characters were both enjoyable and not. I liked Constance.. but that was about it. The main character was honestly kind of annoying and Erin.. oh my god, do not even get me started. I can look past the fact that Erin is awful because that is her purpose for the most part. But the main character being annoying and irritating and just dumb sometimes? I understand liking a bad main character if that is purpose of the story, but it clearly wasn't meant to be that way in this story. She was just arrogant and childish and it made following the plot less fun.

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