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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Coraline - Neil Gaiman

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The first book I've read since being in this extremely long and irritating slump that I've been in. And what did I do? I skimmed. The book isn't super long and I know the premise since I've seen the movie (even though I heard the book was a little different), I just wanted to finish it to say that I finished it. I'm giving you the truth. This was a book I didn't really want to read but I was hoping it would jumpstart me wanting to read again. I'm not sure if it has because it hasn't been long since I finished it.

I feel like me seeing the movie made this less enjoyable for me. The movie was entertaining and when I watched it, I was young enough to be terrified by it. That is what made it good though. This wasn't scary, 1. because I already knew what would happen 2. because I skimmed 3. because the movie was way scarier (personal opinion of course). But like I said, I think that is what made this less enjoyable for me.

I think if I had read this in elementary school, while being scared by it, I would've been intrigued and captivated by a story. Maybe that is the problem. I, a busy college student, am not the target audience. Maybe when I watched the movie I was the target audience, but now I am not and that is part of the reason I didn't enjoy it.

Still, this brought back memories for me of when I watched the movie as a child and how freaked out I was. Perfect for this time of year. Maybe I'll watch the movie again soon for the spooky season... hmmm.

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