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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Crown of Midnight - Sarah J. Maas

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This was such a good book. And after a million years (a week) I am finally here to write my review.

I feel like this is something I saw going into a lot of books, but I didn't really know what to expect from this. Based on how I rated the first book (4 stars) I thought my reading experience could go one of two ways: 1. really love it (5 stars) or 2. feel meh about it (2-3 stars). I am happy to say this got a full 5 stars!

I enjoyed the characters, the pace, the suspense/drama and the plot!

I enjoyed the development of characters we met in the first book; Celaena, Chaol, Dorian and Nehemia. I felt all relationships between each and every one of these characters grew into something more meaningful to the reader throughout this book and I enjoyed that a lot. I am still yet to decide which way I lean in this little love triangle... right now I think I'm more Celaena and Chaol based on their interactions and conversations in this book. But I still love Dorian as a characters and I feel like he will become one of Celaena's close (closer than right now) friend because of things that were revealed in this book. (spoiler) he has magic because of his lineage. I felt that Nehemia as a character in this book was mostly used to move plot along in this book, which upset me at first but eventually made sense as I progressed through the story.

The pacing of this book seemed slow to me at first, but it was about the tiny steps within the plot that led to bigger and bigger steps as we went on. And after finishing the book, I can say that I did enjoy the pacing even if it was a little slow (which is unusual for me to enjoy slow paced. books).

The suspense, drama and twists in this book were off the charts. That is what made the pacing so worth it in the end. Is all these moments and actions kept happening and I was shocked and surprised and gasped more than a few times. I didn't predict most of the book, but there were a few small plot points that I did predict, but that didn't bother me at all.

I am excited to see where the plot continues in the next book!

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