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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Everything That Burns - Gita Trelease

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Please believe me when I say that I wanted to enjoy this. I wanted to enjoy this book after enjoying my reread of the first book. Neither of those really happened. The first book was fine, but any magic (haha get it because the book deals with magic) that I found within the first book, the first time around, completely disappeared once I picked it up the second time. I mostly figure this to be because I am not the biggest fan of rereads, but also because I have changed a lot this reading the first book two years ago. Had this come out under its original title and it's original publication date (May 2020) then maybe this would've been more of a success with me. But here in 2021 it kinda flopped.

It wasn't a complete flop... just enough for me to know, or predict, the twists before they happened and that I was bored by the writing the whole time. What was such a hit the first time I read the first book, kept on and on and on, with no luck of capturing my attention fully. The characters were better in this one. They were fleshed out and had more personalities than in the first book, which I did appreciate. Instead of the focus being solely on Camille, like in the first book, I like how this one focused more on the other characters too.

This book did have good elements, and if you have read the first book recently and enjoyed it, then this one will most likely be a success for you! I'm sad that it wasn't for me.. but that just happens sometimes.

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