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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Her - Pierre Alex Jeanty

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I cannot get over how emotional, inspiring and reflective this book was.

How I like to think of it is, a man (the author) writes two different letters throughout the book. One, to all males; telling them a vast variety of things. Take care of her, do not stain her heart, when you hold her remember she is fragile, but don't forget she is the strongest person you will ever know. So many things that men forget when regarding a woman, but more so, when starting to love a woman or even further, remembering how to love this woman. The second letter, which is shorter, reminds her that she is beautiful, even if not reminded as often as she should be, that she is too good for the love that exists in the world because she deserves something that truly is out of this world. Things that remind her that she is deserving of love but that sometimes the love she deserves is not what she gets but that to not give up, but continue to be strong.

This book was exactly what I needed and have needed for a long time. It is refreshing to see these two narratives, because while it is nice to be reminded of beauty and strength, it's nice to see a man remind other men of how to love a woman the proper way. Most don't know and should. This isn't meant to be a slam on all men, just the ones who don't understand loving a woman. Hopefully that makes sense

So so so so so good. A new favorite.

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