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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Last Night at the Telegraph Club - Malinda Lo

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

I wish I had liked this more. There were parts of this story that captivated me, but other parts just seemed unnecessary and very lengthy in description/detail.

I liked Lily as a character and I could definitely see her change throughout the book, as she figured out more about herself. But I would've liked to see even more growth, for there to have been some drastic revelation at the end for her character (either before or after the jump in time). Of course this is just me wanting more from the story.

I liked Lily's friendship budding into a relationship with Kath as well. I liked how Kath led her to exploring the parts of herself she was afraid to admit existed. It was a cute and simple love story that was hindered by historical differences in how the LGBTQ+ community was seen. It's crazy to read this, knowing it is historically accurate, and seeing how different it is today. I'm glad the world is more open now, even if it still isn't as accepting as it should be.

This overall was a good book. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't outstanding. There was something more that I needed from it, whether it be more character growth from Lily or something else, I'm unsure but I would still recommend it.

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