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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Natalie Tan's Book of Luck and Fortune - Roselle Lim

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

There were more things about this that I disliked than I liked.

I would've liked this more, I'm guessing, when I added it to my want to read list back in 2019. But since then I would say that my reading taste has developed further and this just isn't my taste anymore.

What I did like: the food aspect. The recipes and the way food brought people together was really interesting. I enjoyed how the whole recipe was included and what the recipe was used for when it was made in the past. I liked the inclusion of this and how Natalie used it to get close to her grandmother she never knew. I also liked how Natalie at first didn't know that she could make the cookbook her own, but how she learned throughout the book.

Okay. Things I didn't like. The main character. Natalie is not a great main character. Her attitude about the neighbors really bothered me. The way she gaslit and treated some of her neighbors for her own personal gain, was awful. Her outlook on life is a lot for someone who has experienced the things she has. I would imagine she would have a better outlook based on the things she has experienced, but I guess not.

I also didn't enjoy the love interest. He came out of no where and Natalie blatantly disrespected him and he still came back for her. I don't think Natalie deserves someone so forgiving and loving. Also insta-love in this sense was not done well. It wasn't enjoyable and was annoying more than anything.

I wanted to like this more than I did. And I almost gave it 2 stars, but I did enjoy how the story wrapped up so.. I rounded it up.

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