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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Red at the Bone - Jacqueline Woodson

Rating: ⭐️⭐️½

I really wanted to love this, and at first I thought it would be something I really enjoyed. But the importance of the story, the switching perspectives, and the past to present to future and back really made it go over my head.

A part of me doesn't want to write a review for this, because so many people love this book and I know I'm apart of the minority that do not. But the reason I am writing it is because I want to SPECIFICALLY tell you, that this book was just not for me. Usually when I don't like a book there is something that I find fault with that is usually universal and not just me. With this, there was no universal flaw; it just wasn't something I was particularly interested in.

I think it was the writing style for me and the fact that everything was more of explanation rather than a plot. In my opinion, this book has no plot. It's just a look into the past, present and future of some characters and what certain things mean to them. And that isn't really what i'm looking for in a book. I'm looking for a book to whisk me off my feet and into its story, and I'm sorry to say that this book wasn't even close.

It just lacked everything to me. And I know others will pick up this book and it will be exactly what they are looking for, but to me it wasn't memorable.

What was memorable was the accounts of the different characters. Despite not liking the changing confusing perspectives, I did like when I knew who's perspective it was and what they were talking about. It was their own recollection of a time in their life, a memory, something important to who they are and I did feel a little attached to some characters because of this. However, there were still a majority of characters I felt like I didn't know or care about in the slightest.

I'm just sad this didn't end up being a hit for me, but I'm glad it will be for others.

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