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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Skyhunter - Marie Lu

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

It may have taken me 52 days to get here, but I am here now, and I am glad that I pushed through. And when I say pushed through, I don't mean in the sense that this book was slow or boring, no.

This book was fast paced and action packed. Even if you couldn't see the action always, it was happening behind the scenes and snuck up on you all of the sudden. I really enjoyed this aspect because it caught me off guard and had me surprised.

This is my first time reading a Marie Lu book, and this will definitely will not be my last. I didn't know when originally picking this up, but it is a duology confirmed by Lu herself. Either before or after picking up the coming sequel to this book, I will pick up the Legend series. I love how Marie Lu writes and now I'm anxious to read more of her work.

This book. The characters, the world building, the description, the attention to detail, the fights, you would think Marie Lu lived this. Nope, just created it. I'm just so impressed.

Sometimes when reading a science fiction or fantasy book, you feel this disconnect (or at least I do), but with this book I didn't feel it at all. I felt like I was there, fighting this battle to not lose the nation. Fighting against the Federation and their ghosts. Building a relationship with the original Skyhunter. It just took me in and captured my interest completely.

I cannot express enough that


because that ending.... oooo it has me angry.

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