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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Stargazing - Jen Wang

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Everything about this story is adorable.

After reading, and loving, The Prince and the Dressmaker I knew this was going to be one of my most anticipated releases this year. AND IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT. Jen Wang just has a way. A way of making me love her characters. When they cry, I cry. When they're happy, I'm still crying. Nah, I'm happy too. For real though, I love Jen Wang's work and I will most likely read anything she creates in the future.

Ugh this story puts me in my feels. It's so cute. I immediately loved the characters from the very beginning. I wanted only good things for them and I wanted Christine and Moon to become best friends. I like how it wasn't always smooth sailing between them. There were some bumps in the road, but true friends make it past them. There was jealously and anger issues and guilt but these two girls knew how to get past it. There were sometimes throughout the story though where all I wanted to do was give Christine and Moon a hug. Like, please let me take away all of your problems.

I also liked the harsh realities presented within the story. For example, Moon and her home not having much money and being called homeless at one point or when Moon has seizures and discovers she has a brain tumor. These are all pretty serious points to bring up in a middle grade graphic novel but it is done so well. I think it's important to be exposed to reality while also still existing in the "childhood bubble," and it's just done so well in this story.

Anyways I love this and I still want to give Christine and Moon a hug.

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