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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

The Dog Who Lost His Bark ~ Eoin Colfer

Rated: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Received an arc from NetGalley for an honest review.

Expected Release: September 10th 2019

This review isn't going to be super long or anything because this is a book I don't really have a lot to say about. That isn't a bad thing at all! Sometimes books just evoke emotions but there isn't much to say about that besides sharing what emotions it made you feel.

The beginning of this book was really sad. It featured animal abuse and the thoughts of the dog that was abused. I love dogs with my whole being, and I currently have a dog that we rescued from the shelter. When we first got him he was super skittish and shy because he was abandoned on the side of a road with his litter mates. They were eventually found with no hair and fleas all over them but they were rescued, thank god. Reading this book made me think about how my dog must have felt when he was abandoned like that. It's hard for me to think about, but it makes me feel better to know that we have given him a home for 8 years now, and that he has become a much happier, healthy and strong doggo.

Anyways, I thought the beginning of this book really evoked emotion and I respect how serious they talked about animal abuse in what is considered a children's book. I think this will make children more interested in rescuing dogs and helping them get their bark back, whatever it is their bark is.

I really liked this book and the connection between Oz & Patrick.

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