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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

The House in the Cerulean Sea - T.J. Klune

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

When everyone talks about how this book makes them feel warm and happy, they are telling the truth. I'm sitting here right after reading it and I feel warmth in my body and genuine happiness.

This book did start off a little slow for me. It definitely took me a while to get into it, however, I understand exactly why the beginning was so drawn out. It was for me to understand who Linus Baker was before going to the island. His life that follows and exact routine and for me to fully understand that his life, truly, had no color. That since he never experienced anything else, that he thought that this boring life he was so used to living, was all there was. We learn how mundane it is, and damn is it mundane. Even as a reader, I felt like I was being sucked into the boringness and I think that is why it took me so long to get into this. But as soon as it started to pick up, it just skyrocketed into everything I knew it could become.

The characters were glorious. Each and everyone was distinct and memorable. They were unique in personalities and each had their own specific voice (this was amplified for me because I started listening to the audiobook, so when I say they had their own voice, I really do mean that). I love how Linus, despite his intentions, got sucked into this colorful life that they lived on the island. I love how you could feel his burn of love toward the children, Zoe and especially Arthur.

I was for sure confused about the plot for a lot of the book. While I knew what was going to happen, I was confused about how we would go there and what would happen in the mean time. After finishing this book, I would say that the plot really is upfront but still somewhat slow progressing, but that doesn't mean its not interesting.

I just love this book so much and now it is one of my favorites.

Also, I so badly want a companion novel of Lucy as a teenager....

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