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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

The Paris Hours - Alex George

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️½

This is a complicated book for me to review. Because while there were things about it that I absolutely loved, there was no crazy wow factor for me. I guessed the plot as soon as we were given the slighest hint, and while this in itself doesn't both me (it actually boosts my self-esteem that I was actually able to guess something correctly) it bothered me in the sense that if the reader did happen to guess this one wow factor detail, then there was nothing else, it just ends and you are left wanting more.

So part of me wants to give it 5 stars but another part of me is like 4.5 stars is more accurate because there was something that genuinely bothered me about the book.

I really hope that there is a sequel to this. I was left wanting more. There is another story that could be written after this one to satisfy the desires the reader has to have closed ends. However, I think this author knows what he is doing and will purposely not give the reader what they want, which (to me) shows a great amount of talent. We will be left wondering and thinking about this story until we are satisfied with the fact that we have read all we were given.

The aspect of this book that really took me by surprise was the writing. It was eloquent and beautifully crafted to show the reader, instead of tell them, the story. I felt attached to these characters because their backstories and feelings were written in a way where I had no choice but to love them and care about what happens to them. There wasn't a character whose story I wasn't invested in, which isn't common when I read books with multiple perspectives. The writing is what made me love the characters. They were developed and different, yet somehow they were connected in one way or another. So while I can say that I loved this characters and felt for them all deeply, it was (again) the writing that made me feel this way.

The connected plots were brilliant. You learn the stories and (overtime) backstories of the characters and you create this idea in your head how they are connected because it says in the synopsis that they are. It kept me wanting to know how and why, these peoples lives were intertwined and when they were, I wasn't exactly blown away which was disappointing, but that didn't ruin the journey.

Overall this was an amazing book and the writing alone, is why I would recommend it to everyone. And who knows, maybe you will not guess the plot. Maybe you will be left satisfied by the ending. Maybe you will have a completely different outlook on this book than I did, but I bet you'd still be glad you read it.

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