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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

The Path Made Clear - Discovering Your Life's Direction and Purpose ~ Oprah Winfrey

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Ever since I was really young, I've known about Oprah. I never really knew exactly what kind of person she was but she was one of those universal people that you can mention to anyone and they will know who she is.

After growing up, I began to understand about who Oprah really is and what she stands for.

I remember my mom getting a gift from my biological mom and it was one of Oprah's previous books. I never read that one but I remember my biological mom saying that the words really impacted her. That made me even more curious about what Oprah was saying and talking about in her books, but at this point in time I wasn't into reading.

So when I found out Oprah had put out a book this year and that it was available at my local library I wanted to pick it up. Especially because I veered significantly off of what I thought my projected path earlier this year, I wanted a refresher on my path.

While I feel like this is directed at people older than I am, this still did impact me and made me question certain things. Whether it be my mental mantras or negative things I've allowing myself to think and say about myself. And that I'm never off of my path, I've simply gone a new direction that I didn't know was coming, but I have never gone off my path. That was one of my favorite things I learned from this book.

One of the other things I enjoyed was while Oprah did include some of her thoughts and parts of the multiple conversations, this was more of compilation of her talks with other people. Many, many different kinds of people with many different thoughts and experiences that I found particularly interesting. At one point I learned more about Former Vice President Joe Biden; That he lost his previous wife and daughter in a car accident back in 1972 and that he lost his son to brain cancer in 2015 and I just remember an overwhelming feeling of wanting to give him a hug. I can't really explain why this in-particular was significant for me, but it reminded me to not take for granted the moments spent with the people I love.

I really enjoyed this read a lot and I will most likely pick up more of Oprah's books.

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