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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

The Prophecy of the Stones - Flavia Bujor

Rating: ⭐

Not to be absolutely horrible, but this book doesn't even deserve one star. I desperately wanted to DNF this, but I pushed through (by skimming a large, LARGE portion) because this was to complete two prompts for The Reading Rush.

Everything about this book I didn't enjoy. The characters were immature, irritating and horrible. The plot was so chaotic and up and down that it didn't make sense. The context of the plot, like the background as to why this whole story is even happening, isn't explained well or at all. I'm so confused about this book as a whole.

The characters. Jade (disgraceful), Amber and Opal. A story about gemstones! How fun! No. These characters are unlikeable in all senses, Jade being the worst of them all (oh the irony). She has no manners and is stuck up and snobby. She does not respect anyone and sees herself above everyone and everything. Personally, this doesn't change throughout the book for me. While she completes "selfless" acts, she only does so because she has to. The other girls are just forgetful and unimportant.

I don't understand what The Prophecy in this was or why The Council even cared about the girls. Their background hatred wasn't explained and how the girls even came into existence? Nope none of it was explained.

I don't want to talk about this anymore. I do not recommend at all.

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