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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

The Truth About Magic - Atticus

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

This wasn't bad, but it wasn't great.

Actually, most of the book I really enjoyed. There was just one part of a section that I didn't enjoy, the very end of The Magic of Words section. It talks about scars and how they aren't meant to be shameful, but how they are your stories and how he loves stories. For some people, their scars are their own personal battles, their struggles, whatever it is. I understand loving someone else for who they are, including their scars, but to capitalize on a persons scars is toxic. Especially if they don't want said scars to be mentioned are talked about. Vulnerability is huge, and revealing your scars to someone is a big deal. I feel like this book ruins that. It sees scars as something to magnetize and that doesn't sit right with me.

Besides that, most of this book was very enjoyable! There were even specific pages or stanzas that I took pictures of to add to my quotes page because I liked them so much. I enjoyed the photography included within the poetry as well. It's an aspect that I, personally, don't see often but wish I could see more of.

Overall, I would recommend this to someone that is just starting out with reading poetry. If you are seasoned or have just recently read fantastically written poetry, I wouldn't necessarily recommend this to you. However, as I previously mentioned if you struggle with scars, both metaphorical and physical, I would stray far away from this.

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