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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

The Worst Best Man - Mia Sosa

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️½

I had heard mixed feelings and reviews from people on this book. Their main complaint that it was cringey, but honestly I didn't find any part of it cringey. There were awkward moments, but those moments were part of what made the story more realistic in a sense, so I enjoyed what a lot of people disliked within this book.

I enjoyed that the author showcased the characters flaws, and made them known (and in some cases well known) to the reader. Again, this made the story more realistic and enjoyable while also making the characters more relatable. Along that line, I enjoyed that Lena and Max were not afraid to be vulnerable. Of course this was a gradual transition from, hate to love, but also a transition from uncomfortable to comfortable with each other, which typically should coincide with hate to love but some books lack that detail, this one did not and I was happy to see it!

The plot of this book is really what made me interested in the first place. A wedding planner gets ditched at her own wedding, and the reason for it is because the brother of the groom, and the best man of the wedding, convinced him not to marry her. Now a few years later, the three of them meet up through a job opportunity and are forced to work with each other. Drama is just waiting to bust out of this book and that is precisely why I wanted to pick it up.

I actually decided to listen to this as an audiobook (because it was the only way for me to get ahold of it right away without going out and buying it) and I was hesitant because this book is known for having some steam. And usually I'm hesitant of that when reading books physically but I was unsure how I would feel having to listen to it in an audiobook. To my surprise, the author wrote it tastefully and the voice actors didn't make it cringe or uncomfortable, it fit well with the story and didn't feel overdone or the majority of the plot. It was just something to enhance the relationship and plot overall and I actually enjoyed it a lot!

The one thing that I didn't enjoy was the characters attitudes on occasion. They weren't always bad, but there were a few moments that seemed out of character. It was like they became different people and had an attitude that didn't match the rest of their personality throughout the rest of the book because the author wanted to take the plot in a different direction and the only way to do that was to use the characters attitude as a transition. I think this could have been done better but it didn't ruin the entire book, just the moments where these seemingly alter-ego attitude adjustments happened.

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