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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Timepiece - Richard Paul Evans

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I really enjoyed this story. I can't believe it was only earlier this year that I read the first book in the trilogy; that feels like more than an eternity ago.

While I also enjoyed the first book in the trilogy, there was something different about this installment that I enjoyed a bit more: the history and backstory. I've come to find lately that seeing and understanding the back story for a character, or a few different characters, really makes me enjoy the story more than just being told the backstory with no evidence. I loved getting to see the background between David and MaryAnne. Despite the time difference between the period in the book, to when the book was written, to now, you can tell that the love between them was true and real. It's very nice to see.

This series is nice to read around Christmas even though it isn't exactly Christmas related (the first book more than this one), it's just warm and cozy with a touch of emotion.

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