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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Shirley Jackson

Rated: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

This was a very average story for me. I didn't really know what to expect going in, as this book was chosen for me at random for a challenge I'm participating in. However, I've read one other thing by this author during high school and really enjoyed it. So I was hoping to have a similar experience with this one, but this fell short of what I wanted it to be.

For me it felt like there really wasn't a plot. The story just kept floating consistently, there weren't any hills. The main part of the story I guess was the fire, but still not as much happened with that as I would've liked. I was expecting more explanation or confrontation. Overall, the "plot" and story were just average.

However, there were somethings that did make this enjoyable still. Such as the creepy and weird vibes I felt while reading. That something just wasn't right, but in a way that made the story intriguing to me and kept me wanting to know. Like I said though, I was left wanting by the plot. Another thing I liked was how it made me feel; Cousin Charles really made me relate to Mary Katherine. I felt as weird and crazy as I knew she was about him. That he was bringing a foul taste to their house and I just wanted so badly to jump in the story and kick him out. Although his purpose in the end, ended up being pointless in my opinion. Just me wanting more.

Despite feeling disappointed in the end, I did like the feeling of intrigue throughout the whole story. I didn't know what was going to happen or what turn the story would take because of the weird uniqueness the whole story had. I never knew what Mary Katherine or Constance or even Uncle Julian would do next, and I liked that.

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