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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Where the World Ends - Geraldine McCaughrean

Rating: ⭐️⭐️

I wish I liked this book more than I did.

I wish I actually DNFd it instead of letting it put me in a reading slump for the entirety of August.

But here I am.

I can say that I finished this book and officially got nothing from it.

I had hoped this book would have a similar vibe to Lord of the Flies, but it really didn't. It was more of a survival story without any drama. Everything was calm for the most part, and the drama that did happen wasn't very interesting and didn't make me any more captivated by the book.

I'm glad that I finished a book this month, but I wish that I wouldn't have spent so much time on a book I didn't even enjoy.

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