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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

You Deserve Each Other - Sarah Hogle

Started: May 31st 2021

Finished: June 3rd 2021

Rated: 4

Likes: Fast Paced/Easy to Read, Romance Got Good, Passion was Real (not forced)

Dislikes: Naomi described as a basic white girl bitch, self sabotaging

Notes: Was hard to start but got better

The End of Men - Christina Sweeney-Baird

Started: June 3rd 2021

Finished: June 5th 2021

Rated: 4.5

Likes: Suspense, Multiple POVs, Relatable (Pandemic Wise), Heart-wrenching, Writing

Dislikes: Too many POVs, Got boring after vaccine was discovered

Notes: Could have used more intrigue after the vaccine was discovered

This Coven Won't Break - Isabel Sterling

Started: June 4th 2021

Finished: June 8th 2021

Rated: 3

Likes: Experiencing these characters again

Dislikes: Overall lacking, Plot, Change in Writing Style, Ending

Notes: None

The Bright Side Sanctuary for Animals - Becky Mandelbaum

Started: June 6th 2021

Finished: June 10th 2021

Rated: 2

Likes: Mention of dogs

Dislikes: No plot, Characters, Everything

Notes: This book had no plot. Nothing. Not worth it. Only reason it's not a 1 star is for dogs and because I thought I enjoyed the first 30% when I thought there was a plot.

May the Best Man Win - ZR Ellor

Started: June 9th 2021

Finished: June 11th 2021

Rated: 3

Likes: Romance kind of? Rivalry aspects

Dislikes: Petty High School Drama, Rich Kid Privilege

Notes: None

My Best Friend's Exorcism - Grady Hendrix

Started: June 11th 2021

Finished: June 12th 2021

Rated: 4

Likes: Intense Page Turner, Creepy

Dislikes: Dog Death, Ending didn't seem right to me

Notes: None

The Sound of Stars - Alechia Dow

Started: June 14th 2021

Finished: June 30th 2021

Rating: DNF

Likes: Aspects of Real Life like mentions of the Hate U Give & Twilight

Dislikes: Tech Talk, Said Rather than Showed

Notes: I have too many books to force myself to read books I find myself not enjoying

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This was interesting and not what I expected at all. I knew it would be creepy but this was a type of creepy, strange that I've never read before and I really enjoyed it.

I liked the backstory at the beginning that explained Abby & Gretchen's friendship foundation and certain aspects about them, that could be used to explain things later on. This is something that I enjoy in the writing, that not a lot of authors do.

I was confused about what really happened with Gretchen. Obviously she was possessed, but I'm confused how it happened. I know there was the creepy house thing in the woods with weird symbols and signs and things, but is that what made her possessed? Was it the acid they took? I never really understood what made her become possessed. I could have missed it, but I don't think I did.

Seeing all the things that happened because Gretchen was possessed was super weird but fun in a way. As the reader, we knew she was possessed, but Abby didn't know and was desperately trying to figure out what was wrong with her friend. I also liked the different aspects, such as Gretchen's parents, Glee & Margaret, Abby's Parents and the school people played in the story as well. You could tell that these people were affected by Gretchen's demon but that they didn't know exactly what was going on. It was so infuriating when Gretchen's parents blamed Abby and then Glee & Margaret turned on Abby once Gretchen's demon made her seem normal?? It was wack, but definitely how I was supposed to feel as a reader. I cared about Abby and Gretchen. I wanted Abby to have her friend back and I wanted Gretchen to be okay, but I knew it would not be normal once it was all over.

Parts of the ending didn't sit right with me. It's hard to explain. The court process confused me and the exorcist's role in that confused me. I understood that Abby had to leave Charleston after all of that or else her life wouldn't be the same. But I didn't like some of the ambiguity of the flash forward in time. Details, that in reality, weren't super important to the story. But I wanted to know more about their futures leading up to when they met up again. I did like the part at the end of the book about

Gretchen being there for Abby until her end. It was sweet and wholesome that their friendship, despite having to go through and exorcism together, stood the test of time.

This was a creepy story with some gore and violence that I didn't exactly like. I won't go into more details than that to not spoil anything. But if you decide to read this, definitely check the trigger warnings because there are a decent amount!

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

I liked this book, but at the same time I didn't. It had a lot of the petty high school drama that I desperately tried to escape back when I was in high school, so now that I have, I do not want to relive this almost-pushing-reality drama. Also how rich and privileged the school they go to is??? Oh my gosh. The budget their given just for homecoming is insane!

The drama in this book definitely does seem like it would fly in the real world. I get that this is some rich kid school with a lot of money and the kids have some freedom, but if any of the shit that happened in this book happened at my high school? Oh, there would be some really serious consequences. I get that this to make the book more interesting but I think there are better ways to do that while not pushing what is actually realistic.

Something else that really bothered me was how Naomi decided after fighting with Jeremy that she was going to date Lukas?? Honey, I don't care how hurt you are, or how much you've been put down, or put into second place, if there is even a chance we are still friends, you DO NOT go and date their ex. No. Never. Not acceptable. Also Lukas cheating on Naomi for that brief second? Again, no. I do not condone cheating in any way shape or form. I know that this was also to make the story more interesting but ooof noo.

I'm not sure if this is supposed to be considered a romance? Or like a lovers to enemies to lovers again? But in my personal opinion, I didn't really consider it a romance? I understood that Jeremy and Lukas had a history, but I didn't feel any of that romantic or sexual tension that I think we were supposed to feel as the reader. I didn't really support how they fought and it was all very toxic. This goes back to the high school petty drama, and how quickly we were able to move past things back in high school, but it was a lot to read and still want these characters to be together.

Something I did enjoy was the ending. I predicted something similar would happen, but I was not disappointed. I think the ending summed up how all the stupid drama affected them and how it was drawing them away for their actual goals. It was for the best though because neither of them really needed that crown in the end, and I'm glad they realized that.

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