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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Alex & Eliza - Melissa de la Cruz

Started: February 24th 2021

Finished: March 1st 2021

Rated: 4.5

Likes: Characters, Plot, Romance, Relationships

Dislikes: Some of the description felt unnecessary

Notes: None

Last Night at the Telegraph Club - Malinda Lo

Started: February 20th 2021

Finished: March 7th 2021

Rated: 3

Likes: Lily, Relationship with Kath, Historical Accuracy

Dislikes: Loose ends, Lily's Character Development

Notes: A good book, I just wanted more from it

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

I wish I had liked this more. There were parts of this story that captivated me, but other parts just seemed unnecessary and very lengthy in description/detail.

I liked Lily as a character and I could definitely see her change throughout the book, as she figured out more about herself. But I would've liked to see even more growth, for there to have been some drastic revelation at the end for her character (either before or after the jump in time). Of course this is just me wanting more from the story.

I liked Lily's friendship budding into a relationship with Kath as well. I liked how Kath led her to exploring the parts of herself she was afraid to admit existed. It was a cute and simple love story that was hindered by historical differences in how the LGBTQ+ community was seen. It's crazy to read this, knowing it is historically accurate, and seeing how different it is today. I'm glad the world is more open now, even if it still isn't as accepting as it should be.

This overall was a good book. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't outstanding. There was something more that I needed from it, whether it be more character growth from Lily or something else, I'm unsure but I would still recommend it.

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️½

This book ended up being way better than I expected! I only picked it up because I needed an audiobook to listen to while going on my walks, but it was so good!

I forget that I loved historical fiction and the revolutionary war! Even though the revolutionary war doesn't play a huge part in this story, the characters were living during that time and Alex converses with George Washington, so it made that element a little more prevalent than it would've been otherwise.

The beginning of this reminded me of Bridgerton (show not book), of the balls they would attend and the dance cards and the glances and words exchanged. When Eliza met Alex in the stairwell, it seemed almost like slow motion. Something right out of a show or movie. You could just tell based on her instant dislike but attraction to him, that it was going to be a glorious enemies(ish) to lovers.

I loved they characters and the plot and the romance. The way the author portrayed Alex's side of the romance was so refreshing. A man so helplessly in love with this girl who he feels deserves more than what he has to offer? He is a true man to want to give her more than what he can, but she does love him and their love is enough.

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