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  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Coraline - Neil Gaiman

Started: October 8th 2019

Finished: October 9th 2019

Rated: 3

Likes: Brought back memories from childhood

Dislikes: Disinterested

Notes: Not target audience

Pumpkinheads - Rainbow Rowell

Started: October 16th 2019

Finished: October 16th 2019

Rated: 5

Likes: Cute romance/friendship, bisexual representation



These Witches Don't Burn - Isabel Sterling

Started: October 19th 2019

Finished: October 20th 2019

Rated: 5

Likes: Witches, Elemental Magic, Romance, Plot, Twists

Dislikes: Nothing

Notes: This is one of the first books I've really really loved in a long time

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This was it. This was the book. It officially pulled me out of my slump. It was also an incredible read for the current season (spooky season) and had aspects that I enjoyed a lot.

I've been in a slump for what seems like an eternity, so it's refreshing to fly through a book I'm interested in and still have motivation to pick up something else.

I love witches and wizards and everything under the umbrella, so this was to my liking. I enjoyed the setting of Salem because of the witch history there. I love that there was a developed backstory for each type of witch and for Hannah's coven. The characters meshed well, even when there were complications between them, I felt connected to each of their stories (even though most are intertwined). I loved the differing relationships, Veronica and Hannah, Hannah and Gemma, Hannah and Morgan and even Hannah and her parents, each pair there was development and involvement in the plot. It wasn't like some characters were left out after being developed.

I also enjoyed the LGBTQ+ representation. I felt like it was what made the story unique and more than just witches and a basic romance.

Along that line, the plot also made it more than basic. The twists and turns, while predictable to some, kept me wanting to read more. I'm someone who tries to predict where a story is going and ends up being either slightly correct or completely wrong; but I love that I'm never right! It makes stories more interesting for me! Anyways this plot took me on a ride down a winding road, so many events took place it was just one crazy thing, a semi normal thing, and another crazy thing! I know a lot of people don't like a story that has a whole bunch of crazy things happening but it captivated me in this particular story and it fit well, it wasn't like it didn't make any sense for these crazy things to be happening. I'm excited to see where the sequel takes the direction of the plot!

  • Writer's pictureJade Melody

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This is exactly what I didn't know I needed. A cute, romantic, beautiful graphic novel that is quick read and makes me feel all warm.

Ugh this was just perfect. The setting of a pumpkin patch where two long time friends are spending their last night "working" together and going on a mission to find love? Truly Perfection.

For real though, the setting of a pumpkin patch was perfectly crafted, drawn and written in this graphic novel. Faith Erin Hicks knows how to do detail in these graphics. Rainbow Rowell knows how to write a perfect story. They go together so well.

The plot was so light and cute, and sweet (because there was talk of food that sounded SO GOOD, now I'm hungry). The ending was absolutely adorable and I will forever support it. I love that Deja & Josiah's friendship was so genuine; you could definitely feel their bond that they've created at the patch. It made their adventure in the story that much more enjoyable for me, because I felt like I was there for the (hay)ride.

This was the perfect read for me right now. It's starting to get chilly and I'm wanting to go to a pumpkin patch! So visiting one in this graphic novel tonight was almost everything I wanted! I'm lacking a physical pumpkin that I get to take home and carve... i'll forgive them this time.

It's just so cute, I'll probably read it again tomorrow. And again on Halloween.

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